Cardiopatia Congênita, cuidados de enfermagem, Recém-nascido, unidade de terapia intensivaAbstract
Congenital heart disease is defined as abnormalities in the structure or function of the heart that are present from the moment of birth. Identification and treatment is of fundamental importance, as it improves hemodynamics and the newborn's chances of survival. This study aimed to analyze the scientific evidence on the role of nurses in congenital heart disease in newborns in Intensive Care Units. This was an integrative literature review whose guiding question was: What is the scientific evidence on the role of nurses in dealing with congenital heart disease in newborns in neonatal intensive care units? In this study, 5,334 articles were identified in the MEDLINE (1,965), LILACS (93), BDENF (59) and IBECS (11) databases through the VHL portal, and in the PUBMED journal database (3,195). After reading the title and abstract and applying the eligibility criteria, 4 articles were identified in LILACS, 11 articles in MEDLINE, 02 in BDENF, 01 article in IBECS and 10 in PUBMED, totaling 28 articles. After applying the eligibility criteria, 16 articles were selected for the final sample. The results were analyzed and presented in a table and discussed descriptively and qualitatively, using scientific evidence. This study points to the need for nurses to know their patients in all aspects, as the need for specific nursing care is evident in order to provide the patient with clinical improvement. Therefore, nurses play a key role in mediating the clinical case and have a non-transferable role in relation to other professionals in the cardiac NICU setting when it comes to performing their duties.
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