Neoplasias; Doenças da boca; Saúde das Crianças; Saúde Bucal; Quimioterapia.Abstract
Some factors in children with malignant neoplasms, such as neutropenia, antineoplastic treatment and poor oral health, can contribute to the development of disturbances in the oral cavity. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the oral health condition of children with cancer. It is an integrative review, whose data collection was carried out through a bibliographic survey in the Medline, LILACS, BBO, BINACIS, BDENF, LIPECS and SciElo databases in August 2021. The results obtained from the 13 articles included revealed that 69.23% of the sample was made up of patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). As for antineoplastic treatment, 92.30% of the articles identified children undergoing chemotherapy. In the studies that analyzed DMFT and dmft, it was not possible to find a pattern related to dental cavities; there was a lot of variability, but with low predominant values. The majority of the articles revealed satisfactory periodontal health in children with cancer, while the indices that measured the degree of oral hygiene showed a state of oral health that ranged from regular to poor. In conclusion, the oral health status of children with cancer requires attention in order to prevent complications or exacerbation of oral alterations that affect oral health, systemic health and quality of life in this group during the course of the disease or treatment cycle.
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