AIDS, Epidemiologia, HIV, . Infecçoes Sexualmente TransmissíveisAbstract
The study aims to investigate the incidence of HIV/AIDS in women of reproductive age, considering the association between early sexual initiation and increased risk of sexually transmitted infections. The study is descriptive and quantitative, carried out using secondary data available on the DATASUS website, belonging to the Ministry of Health. It analyzes women of reproductive age living with HIV/AIDS in Paraíba, considering variables such as notification status, sex, age group, and color or race. The population studied includes all reported cases of HIV/AIDS between February 2018 and November 2023, with data collection carried out in April 2024. In Paraíba, between 2018 and 2023, 214 cases of women of reproductive age with HIV/AIDS were reported. Of this total, the years 2018, 2019, and 2020 recorded the majority of cases. It was found that most women had completed high school, a higher incidence in the 30-34 age group than in other age groups and among brown-skinned women. In Paraíba, AIDS cases have decreased, but notifications in specific age groups have increased, indicating challenges in prevention and gender inequalities. Underreporting can affect results, especially during the pandemic. This scenario emphasizes the importance of public policies focused on reducing racial and social inequalities in HIV prevention and treatment, monitoring the specificities of the most vulnerable population and promoting more equitable access. Understanding the increase in HIV infection in the female population has not been easy, since HIV carries the stigma of a shameful disease, strongly associated with morally devalued behaviors. As a result of the impact of this disease, over the decades, Brazil has made progress in assessing and monitoring the disease.
KEYWORDS: AIDS. Epidemiology. HIV. Women's and reproductive health.
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