População Idosa, Estado Nutricional, Saúde do Idoso, Sobrepeso e Baixo Peso, Sistema de Vigilância Alimentar e Nutricional (SISVAN).Abstract
Brazil is experiencing a rapid aging process, requiring public health policies to meet the needs of the elderly population. Nutritional status directly impacts health, influencing growth, development, and the risk of morbidity and mortality. Healthy eating is essential for the promotion, prevention, and control of diseases, and the Food and Nutrition Surveillance System (SISVAN) plays a central role in monitoring the country's nutritional situation, including the elderly population. This retrospective study evaluated the nutritional status of elderly individuals in Paraíba from 2013 to 2023, using data from SISVAN. The state is divided into 16 health regions, and the data analyzed Body Mass Index (BMI): underweight (BMI ≤ 22), adequate weight (22 < BMI < 27), and overweight (BMI ≥ 27). The results showed an increase in all BMI categories over the decade. Overweight stood out with a significant rise, reaching nearly 70,000 cases in 2023, especially in the Mata Atlântica region (1st) and the 16th region. Only the 7th region showed lower overweight levels compared to eutrophy, with 1,156 cases. These differences suggest that local factors, such as access to healthy food and healthcare services, influence nutritional status. The increase in cases of underweight and overweight among the elderly is concerning, reflecting socioeconomic inequalities, inadequate dietary habits, and difficulties in accessing healthcare. Therefore, targeted interventions in more vulnerable regions are essential to reduce disparities, promote better nutrition, and improve the health of the elderly population.
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